Yay for viral stuff!

4 min read

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TerraHv1's avatar
Well, I don't have anything right now. I kind of got into cleaning/typsetting Japanese language manga for Manga Abyss and that's taking a bit of time. And of course work sucks as well.

My next project will be a contest submission for Tajii-chan. You'll have to wait to see it to know what it's about. Sorries.

Well, like the title says I have something viral to share. :iconroxannegoat: tagged me and so I figured, why not?

Tagged by :iconroxannegoat:

Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.
Tag 3 people.

1) Name?
Heather: A low-growing Eurasian shrub growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. (A grayish purple to purplish red)

Well, I do like flowers and purply stuff. ^_^

2) Your Age?
25: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. LSD, acid
Do you know where I can score a few hits of25?

Uhh... My age is a drug? That makes no sense...

3) One Of Your Friends?
Rachel: The most edible female name
Rachel is sooo edible - especially with cream

... I've actually said something like that before... scary.

4) What Should You Be Doing?
Working: A term to describe the tedious and boring indentured servitude that most people are forced to endure to get money. Generally, not a pleasant experience.

Too true, too true...

5) Favorite Color?
Purple: Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!

Is EVERY color a euphamism for pot?

6) Birthplace?
Jacksonville, Fl: a fine city in northern Florida, ten times better than Orlando.
Jacksonville has a mass transit system. Orlando has a congested bus system. Figure out which one is better.

I couldn't say one way or the other. I only lived there until I was 3.

7) Birth Month?
June: The month in which the most awesome girls ever are born. June babies are sweet, caring, sexy, lovable and all around cuddly.
Cause June is just awesome that way...

Ok, I may have used the second definition, but this one is much better than the first! :p

8) Last Person You Talked To?
Friend: A real friend is someone who:
a)it's okay to fart in front of.
b)you don't mind talking to on the bus for atleast 20 minutes.
c)can borrow $5 and never has to pay it back
d)you'll actually call up do stuff.

Bob: "Hey Jim, you wanna go see a show downtown"
Jim: "Sorry man, I'm broke, and how are we gonna get there."
Bob: "No problem, I'll lend you the 5 bucks and we'll take the bus."
Jim: "Yeah, okay" (loud farting sound)
Bob: "Whoah! That was a good one!

Bob and Jim are friends.

Uhhh... ok then. Why not.

9) One Of Your Nicknames?
Terra: A other name for Earth. Mostly used in scientific and science-fiction matter. Latin orgin: Terra=World
We come in peace from Terra
to conquer... eh visit your planet.

Yep, sounds about right. I like that nickname. ^_^

Now let's see. I tag... :iconchoccolato: :iconxxxxnightmarexxxx: :iconcantorna:
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